Younger than the Methuselahs and Antediluvians, many of the vampires of the sixth and seventh generation are still elders of Cainite society. Their age is also their greatest weakness, though.Ħth & 7th Generations See also Seventh Generation (disambiguation)

It is said they can erupt and command the legions of Hell itself. Few vampires of subsequent generations can match a Methuselah's power. Their power lies in their advanced Disciplines and age. Although they are old, some have escaped the call of lasting torpor, and even those who have failed are only condemned to slumber a few centuries at a time. Known as Methuselahs, the vampires of the fourth and fifth generations are almost as powerful as their sires. They are so ancient it is said they can exist only in torpor, that state of dark slumber that affects all Cainites of advanced age. They are quite literally " Antediluvians," having survived the biblical flood by slumbering under the waters to hide from the sun. Only Caine and the Three, however, know how many of the third generation were actually created. The Book of Nod claims that only 13 vampires belong to the third generation and that each are the progenitors of one of the 13 clans. It is with the third generation that myth and legend meet reality. Alone, even the mighty Antediluvians were said to be hesitant to speak of their sires, beings of incredible beauty, but also tyrants and demigods. Like Caine, little is known about the three, other than that they all met their end at the hands of the Antediluvians. The most prominent tale says Caine has embraced only three childer - the mythical second generation and sires of the 13 Antediluvians. There are other, much rarer, methods of changing generation, but they usually involve powerful sorcery and are closely guarded secrets.Ĭaine has the dubious honor of being the first among the damned, the malignant seed from which all other Cainites claim their heritage. When a Cainite diablerizes a vampire of lower generation their generation decreases by one or possibly more if the victim was particularly potent. Generally, the only way a vampire changes generation is through diablerie. Vampires of below the 8th generation can raise their traits to truly superhuman levels: instead of the human maximum of five, they may raise their traits as high as (13 - their generation) this includes learning Advanced Discipline powers. The number of blood points a Cainite can spend a turn and the maximum size of their blood pool also increases as generation is lowered, though this represents a concentration of power within the blood, not a larger physical capacity to store it. Dominate cannot be used on vampires of a lower generation than the character, and some other Disciplines are weaker as well. Low generation provides several benefits. The V20 supplement Beckett's Jyhad Diary introduces the 16th generation. Members of the 14th and 15th generation are special, and detailed rules for them are provided in the Time of Thin Blood supplement.

Thus, standard VTM characters range from 13th to 8th generation, and DAV characters from 12th to 7th. Each rank represents a step below the default generation, which is 13th in modern times, and 12th in the Dark Ages. In game mechanics, all Kindred have a Generation Trait, which is ranked between 0 and 5 for standard characters. Generation is the crudest measure of vampiric power, or more accurately, vampiric potential. Those of low generation, two or three times removed from Caine, are accorded more respect than those nine or ten times removed. Caine is considered the First Generation of vampires, the most powerful of them all and Cainites use Generation to describe their heritage as Caine's children. The clan founders comprised the Third Generation, their progeny became the Fourth Generation, their childer became the Fifth Generation, and so on and so forth up through the distant Thirteenth Generation prevalent in the modern nights.Īll Cainites trace their ancestry according to how far removed they are from Caine, how many generations down their cursed line they are.

When a vampire embraces, their childe rises from death one Generation higher than them - one more Generation removed from Caine.